Gershon is a member of the New York State Bar. His practice focuses on contentious and non-contentious aspects of public international law and international arbitration. He has extensive experience in inter-State dispute resolution and investor-State arbitration, as well as the law of the sea and space law.

Gershon provides legal advice and represents sovereign States and private investors in various international legal matters. Gershon has represented clients before leading world dispute resolution fora, including the International Court of Justice. He has also counselled sovereign States on maritime boundary disputes, treaty interpretation, State practice, laws of armed conflict and belligerent occupation, and the law of the sea. Gershon previously clerked for a prominent international arbitrator, Professor W. Michael Reisman, in multiple UNCITRAL and ICSID investor-State arbitrations and international commercial arbitrations.

Prior to joining Fietta, Gershon taught seminars on international law at the Yale Law School as a Visiting Lecturer in Law. He is frequently invited to lecture on the regulation of outer space activities, with a particular focus on international investment and commercial arbitration. He also served as a member of a panel of experts for a foreign Government on a research grant proposal for a multi-disciplinary project on outer space activities. Gershon has published articles in leading law journals including the Yale Journal of International Law, Harvard International Law Journal, University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law, International Law Studies, and the Georgetown Journal of International Law

Gershon’s full curriculum vitae is available here.