Category: Forthcoming events

BIICL Event on Sanctions-Related ISDS Disputes

BIICL Event on Sanctions-Related ISDS Disputes – On 15 October 2024, Oonagh Sands will speak on a panel titled “Sanctions-Related ISDS Disputes – Issues of Jurisdiction and Merits”. The event is organised by the British Institute of International and Comparative Law. For details on how to register (in person or hybrid), click here.

London Conference of International Law 2024

London Conference of International Law 2024 – On 18 October 2024, Dr Gershon Hasin will speak on a panel assessing developments Space Law. The panel will examine current developments in an area which is the subject of increasing international attention and concern. The conference programme is available here.

London Conference of International Law 2024

London Conference of International Law 2024 – On 17 October 2024, Oonagh Sands will speak on a panel assessing developments in deep seabed mining and the role of international law and institutions, including the International Seabed Authority. The conference programme is available here.