Month: June 2020

23 June 2020 – Laura Rees-Evans of Fietta LLP and Lucas Bastin of Essex Court Chambers moderated a webinar, co-organised by YPILG and Arnold & Porter, on Public International Law in the UK, post-Brexit. Presented by “new voices” in PIL (Maria Fogdestam-Agius, Jackie McArthur, Bart Wasiak, Joel Dahlquist and Elizabeth Chan), this webinar explored a wide range of perspectives on the topic of PIL in the UK, post-Brexit. A video recording of the webinar will be made available in due course.

Webinar on Public International Law in the UK, post-Brexit – On 23 June 2020, Laura Rees-Evans co-moderated a webinar on Public International Law in the UK, post-Brexit. Presented by a collection of “new voices” in PIL, the webinar explored a wide range of perspectives on the topic. A video recording of the webinar is available here, and a write-up of the webinar is available on Kluwer Arbitration Blog.

9 June 2020 – Stephen Fietta QC has been named “Lawyer of the Year 2021” in the public international law practice category of the ninth edition of The Best Lawyers in the United Kingdom. The award is given to a single lawyer in each practice category based upon extensive peer reviews. Stephen is one of 23 Queen’s Counsel to have received the award this year across their respective practice categories.

Recognition of Stephen Fietta as “Lawyer of the Year” – In June 2020, Stephen Fietta QC was named “Lawyer of the Year” in the public international law practice category of the ninth edition of The Best Lawyers in the United Kingdom. The award is given to a single lawyer in each practice category based upon extensive peer reviews. Stephen was one of 23 Queen’s Counsel to have received the award in 2020 across their respective practice categories.

May 2020 – Oonagh Sands was appointed to serve on the Program Committee for the American Society of International Law (ASIL). ASIL is a non-profit, non-partisan, educational membership organisation founded in 1906 and headquartered in Washington DC. The Society’s nearly 4,000 members from more than 100 nations include attorneys, academics, corporate counsel, judges, representatives of governments and non-governmental organisations, international civil servants, students, and others interested in international law.

Appointment to Program Committee of the American Society of International Law – In May 2020, Oonagh Sands was appointed to serve on the Program Committee for the American Society of International Law (ASIL). ASIL is a non-profit, non-partisan, educational membership organisation founded in 1906 and headquartered in Washington DC. The Society’s nearly 4,000 members from more than 100 nations include attorneys, academics, corporate counsel, judges, representatives of governments and non-governmental organisations, international civil servants, students, and others interested in international law.